- www.cloud.google.com AI Hub von Google Cloud ist ein gehostetes Repository von Plug-and-Play-Komponenten im Bereich KI, darunter End-to-End-KI-Pipelines und schlüsselfertige Algorithmen.
- www.experiments.withgoogle.com Google Experiments – Plattform
- www.gwern.net Demonstration tutorial of retraining OpenAI’s GPT-2
- www.kdnuggets.com 7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python
- www.lionbridge.ai 10 Craziest AI Experiments to Try Online Today
- www.research.ibm.com Project Debater is the first AI system that can debate humans on complex topics.
- www.reddit.com I built a system that generates replies by taking output from GPT-2 and using BERT models to select the most realistic replies.
- www.slatestarcodex.com A Very Unlikely Chess Game